Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Katharina's PE progress report for Mr.Vaughn

This year in PE i am doing really well. I try my hardest and work to my full potential. The first time we did the beep test, I got 10.0, and this last time that we did it I got 10.2. I try my hardest every single time I come to PE it doesn't matter if it's fitness or not. I bring my all and put 110% out there. All the time either during and/or after PE is done, my face is always burning hot and burning red. I sweat so much. Today when i did fitness, even ask Shabnum, I was sweating so much. I have never sweated that much before. When I came in, it was about 5-10 minutes in and I changed and everything. What I have enjoyed most is fitness. Fitness is actually the best part about PE. I really wanna be more fit so thats why i love it. I also love doing the activities with the class, that's also really fun. What i can improve on is pushing my self harder than i am right now. I feel like that i can do better, but I am trying. I think right now i deserve a G. I definitely will push myself harder and work more.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

PE Year End

Throughout the whole year I am always on time to class everyday! I always bring my gym strip and it is appropriate gym strip.  In class I always try my hardest and my face is always red after PE! In fitness I'm always on my highest level and always try hard! My level on the beep test got higher and higher every time we did it! The first time I got 9.4, second time i got 10.4 and then the last time we did it i got  11.4! Every time we did the beep test i kept pushing myself harder and harder! That is why I always went up everytime! Every time I went up 1. I have gone up in my fitness since the beginning of the year! I have learned to be more fit and to eat better. I am always hard working in PE! I always push myself in PE, when I wanna quit I tell myself not to quit and to keep going! PE was the best and the most fun course i have done, besides dance! I always bring s good attitude to PE. I always incourage my friends to work and to try their best. With all of this information I think I deserve an A for this year in PE!

By: Katharina :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Le Film Ratatouille by Jenna et Kat

               Le Film Ratatouille
                 By : Jenna et Kat

Oui J’aime le film! J’aime le film parce que est le comique.  Vous personnage du film favori est Remy! Remy parce que il est inspirant,  adorable, et détermine.  Remy type de personnalité est artistique et cuisine. Mon favori parce que il est cuisiner, est artiste. Combien d’étioles mérite le film est 4 d’toiles!  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blog: La Musique

Blog : La Musique

Mon artiste préfère est Magic System, Cote d’Ivoire. Nom le chanson et Ambiance a l’africain. Style de musique est pop. Parce que j’aime le pop musique et leur voix. Je n’aime pas Keen’V, il naissance La France. Nom la chanson et J’aimersuas trop. Je n’aime pas parce leur voix est laide, le rythme est trop rapide est la mélodie et mélodieuse. Je appris que musique est diffèrent dans the français que dans le English.