Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Katharina's PE progress report for Mr.Vaughn

This year in PE i am doing really well. I try my hardest and work to my full potential. The first time we did the beep test, I got 10.0, and this last time that we did it I got 10.2. I try my hardest every single time I come to PE it doesn't matter if it's fitness or not. I bring my all and put 110% out there. All the time either during and/or after PE is done, my face is always burning hot and burning red. I sweat so much. Today when i did fitness, even ask Shabnum, I was sweating so much. I have never sweated that much before. When I came in, it was about 5-10 minutes in and I changed and everything. What I have enjoyed most is fitness. Fitness is actually the best part about PE. I really wanna be more fit so thats why i love it. I also love doing the activities with the class, that's also really fun. What i can improve on is pushing my self harder than i am right now. I feel like that i can do better, but I am trying. I think right now i deserve a G. I definitely will push myself harder and work more.